Tattooed Chaps (QR 043)

Tara talks new hair colours and adding to her tattoo collection. Kris is back from ClexaCon, with stories of creating the perfect author photobomb. We’re not in our twenties anymore, with our back tattoos and…Read more

Nothing But Ding Dong (QR 042)

By the time you hear Kris say she's looking forward to the upcoming ClexaCon, bemoaning her 9 AM panel and how everyone’ll be hungover… it's already happened. Time is weird, people. Regardless, WHENEVER you’re reading…Read more

You Can Have My Cheese (QR 041)

A lot is going on in this episode! Kris has a book baby coming out. Who does it look like? We’ll find out! Tara reveals how the cosmic calendar and the finite nature of the…Read more

Meet Kris & Tara

Get to know critic (fancy for book reviewer) Tara Scott and award-winning author (just fancy), Kris Bryant

Kris Bryant

    Kris Bryant

    Award-winning author Kris Bryant writes contemporary lesbian romance for Bold Strokes Books. Kris lives in Kansas City, Missouri where she binge watches TV shows and movies, and vows to survive any zombie apocalypse that may or may not happen.
    Tara Scott

    Tara Scott

    Tara Scott is a regular contributor at Smart Bitches Trashy Books, Lambda Literary, and The Lesbian Review, and a former book reviewer at Curve Magazine. She also talked about lesbian fiction with authors and other reviewers for four years on her podcast Les Do Books. Tara lives in Calgary, Canada with her family, and is always ready with a book recommendation for anyone.

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