This isn’t just any episode of Queerly Recommended. This is the hundredth episode! To celebrate, Kris and Tara look back over the last four years and pick out the top five recommendations they each made…
Kris talks about her new book Perfect and her first-ever experience working with a sensitivity reader. Tara shares about vacationing without children, finding a signed copy of one of her favourite books, and the joys of…
This was recorded later on a Tuesday night, so some meds have worn off, some are kicking in, and Kris and Tara get lost in a field of rabbit holes… and recommendations! They answer your…
You want to know the easiest way to turn Kris and Tara into perpetual recommendation machines? Just ask them to pick one of something. Works every time, including this episode, where we get not just…
Roslyn Sinclair has committed high crimes against readers’ productivity and we are here for it! This episode, Tara is joined by f/f romance author Milena McKay. They gathered to sit in gratitude and fangirl about…
Context for future historians: the world is currently ON ONE. Things are looking pretty dark right now. But if there’s one theme for this week’s episode, it’s that we’ve been here before and we will…
We’re running on fumes and getting loopy. Kris is fresh off of a ten-hour drive and Tara has been working all day. You know what that means? That’s right, it’s a Monday night recording sesh….
Welcome back loyal listeners! Queerly Recommended is now a teenager and we’re feeling all kinds of things. Kris and Tara start off with an extremely strong stance on annuals vs. perennials and it just…goes from…
This week, Kris calls in all the way from a 1980s phone booth, otherwise known as the polar vortex. It’s been a wild one, but Tara and Kris get right down to what matters. Peeps…